Marketing is become something the most required by all people, including small band. Outside there is not a little number of band that have a very good performance, but having a marketable band that acceptable on the market is different.
As a famous band you might not need to consider marketing issues (since the marketing director handle it), but as a band that just dive and developing, you, should not be ignoring to thinking about how to promote your band on internet.
You may often play in the pubs, café or make a little concert on campus for inauguration event. This problem is probably small, but have you try to document your actions in stage?
Documentation is a problem of small and under developing business, marketing or groups. There are many bands that have good documentation and successfully re-publication their action on stage.
They compound effects of making good publication of their stage performance. This certainly gives a very positive effect. There are many small things that become great and BIG because you are success to do strategically publication.
- Recognizing the Internet and the communication channel
Each communication channel has a character and each user has different media channel and style communication. You certainly will not make it same between twitter user with facebook user's. Youtube on the other hand, is a very good tool for musicians to re-publish their stage performance.
- Target your market, then you will Know how to best approach
Twitter : you can write 140 characters to publish. It's like a short message. Do not copy and paste from your publications in other media for re-publish on twitter.
For example like this:
AXYZ Band will perform at Café ABC on XX May 2009. Do not miss this con.... Your link
This is not good. Just try to do some publishing repeatedly with a different style for one content and purpose on twitter, try different style and find how to measure and tracking your link. You must consider once-twice publishing for one purpose since you just started and does not have many fans. Repeat the message several times in twitter (by copy paste) is not a good thing, Very boring.
Youtube : Publish your last performance on café, pub or campus through youtube. You know there are so many internet users who will provide feedback for your performance. You might get a compliment, but it should not make you sound asleep. And criticism, of course, do not fears about criticism since you know popular band will get criticized if they perform poorly.
You should do some editing process to give title to your video, add a dramatic effect, and other efforts to make you look better to watch and not publish it directly.
Blog : There is so many features that you can use on blog for maintenance your listener and fans. Getting fans are the best things for a band. Of course that looks good performed is a priority. But to think that both campaigns to get loyal fans is not impossible even if you are a new band and still growing.
Facebook : Make a page on facebook. There are a lot of people try to create a group in facebook, but I believe a lot of facebook users register to group but only active on group for some time. This is very different to make a page. I think page is more effective.
There are many ways to do campaign on the internet, if you want to promote your band group then find a way to do this easily.
Below are some things you can do:
Optimize traffic to your blog by using tools to develop your twitter campaign into a powerful promotion weapon.
Here is a twitter tools that are best to use:

Use WordPress to build a blog Your Band
Here is a list of WordPress themes for Video Blog :
Okay, I think that is some inspiring idea about
how to promote your band on Internet. Try to use some method and make some great experience.
And the best way is... DO IT NOW!