
Earth Hour: Save the Plannet Fight Climate Change

Climate change occurs in a very drastic and can not be predicted by many people, especially us as people. This program is to support energy saving fight climate changes, and support the action. WWF created the Earth Hour. Earth Hour is a global lights out initiative created by WWF (World Wildlife Fund) where million people turn of their light.

Millions of people around the world are encouraged to turn off lights for one hour. You, do not care whoever, at 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm. Can you imagine how much energy is saved during one hour? This will be a very effective saving.

This is very important in supporting the action. All the lights turned off and we let the earth breathe for several minutes. Some countries use to support this policy. I think that is a very good program to be supported. So that we can together fight against climate change.

This is also how we can bring a lot of light and electricity is not being used efficiently. This occurred in the household or the company that runs their business.Last year, nearly ten million people support Earth Hour cation. This action is a small but very meaningful for the continuance our planet.

We need to participate, participate in this action. Save the planet from global issues, and to maintain environment we can stay safe to be occupied.

Note that 8:30 local time, wherever you live on planet earth. Saturday March 28, 2009

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